UPI AutoPay for Subscription Payments With PyThru

Sign up now to accept recurring instant UPI payments easily and provide the best experience to your customers with our enhanced subscription product.

Get Started with PyThru Subscriptions

Facilitate the best online payments for your Subscription-based business with this modern and advanced all-around payment technology.

Why enable PyThru’s UPI AutoPay?

PyThru is on-the-go to make the recurring paymentsthe easiest for you with these advanced features of UPI AutoPay

Track and Analyze Transactions

Collect instant payments anytime

Send Pre-debit Notification

Update the Subscription Plan

Facilitate the Retry Option

Auto-debit below 2000

upi pay
PyThru for U

Get started with this easiest solution for your recurring payments

Accept them conveniently with the most popular payment mode, i.e. UPI, through smooth integration and with all major UPI Apps - BHIM, AXIS, ICICI, Paytm, and more.


Send the customer the UPI mandate request


The customer authorizes the mandate request


Get Started with recurring payments

Grow your Subscription Business

Financial Services





Mobile/Electricity Bills

Get started now!

Enter your email address to register


Our UPI AutoPay facilitates merchants to receive recurring payments with a single integration. Merchants can set recurring e-mandates with the most popular payment method today i.e. UPI, resulting in the growth of the business. The maximum payment amount per transaction can be Rs 2000, as per the RBI rules.

The merchant can set the debit for flexible periods such as daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or customized.

Yes, you need to have a bank account, and can register the mandate on Savings, Current, or Overdraft Account.

When the mandate is registered the notification is received in real-time. Also, pre-debit notification is sent 24 hours before the due amount is deducted.